RSD | Radiology Support Devices, Inc.


Contact RSD for All of Your Nuclear Medicine Needs!

From radioisotopes to radiation equivalent and anatomically correct anthropomorphic phantoms, RSD is your trusted provider. Look to RSD for Nuclear Medicine phantoms that test reconstruction techniques, non-uniform attenuation, and scatter correction methods using different radionuclides under realistic conditions.

RadioisotopesRSD's Heart & Thorax Phantom
RadioisotopesHeart & Thorax Phantom
Diagnostic procedures using radioisotopes are now routine and the demand is increasing. RSD is the ONLY anthromorphic phantom manufacturer offering radioisotopes. Call us today to learn more!Ideal for evaluation of detectability, extent, and severity of myocardial infarcts in patients. This phantom also provides valid assessment of mammoscintigraphy techniques.
RSD's Striatal PhantomRSD's Thyroid Phantom
Striatal PhantomThyroid Phantom
Optimizes quantitative imaging in patients. Based on a standard RSD head with fillable capsules to serve as external markers, use this phantom to compare image-registration techniques using SPECT or PET modalities.Provides I-131 therapy training, thyroid uptake and scan quality assurance, and SUV quantification and validation. Contains a hollow-shell thyroid with filling and flushing ports.

Survey: Nuclear Medicine QA Phantoms

Radiology Support Devices wants to hear from you! Click on the image below to take our quick survey for new product development in Nuclear Medicine QA phantoms.

Survey Screenshot for Nuclear Medicine QA Phantoms

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From new product development, enhancements, or custom-built solutions, RSD is your trusted partner for product design, engineering, and manufacturing for all imaging modalities. Click below to get started!

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