Dental QA
With precision-engineered phantoms and accessories, these tools are essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your dental imaging systems. From beam alignment to low-contrast resolution evaluation, Dental QA tools empower professionals to uphold the highest standards of dental imaging.
1-Shot Dental QA Phantoms
Reliable Performance in Just One Step
These innovative phantoms combine multiple QA evaluations into a single device, enabling comprehensive system checks in just one scan. Simplify your QA routine while maintaining the highest standards of precision with RSD’s 1-Shot QA phantoms.

Dental CBCT QA Phantom
This user-friendly and effective test phantom is the ideal tool for maintaining the imaging integrity of your CBCT systems, ensuring superior diagnostic performance and patient care.
RSD In Action
Keele University’s School of Health and Rehabilitation opened a state-of-the-art radiography suite using RSD’s PIXY Phantom to highlight the practice of hands-on training with visual reinforcement.