Wounded Willy & Damaged Debbie


  • NEW! Inclusive skin tones, from light to dark complexion, available at no additional cost
  • 59 pathologies and traumas available between Willy & Debbie
  • Unlimited repetition of views without human exposure
  • Radiographs that permit evaluation of trainee performance

The concept of grouping a large number of casualties in two teaching/training phantoms was originated by the Fleet Hospital & Operations Training Center in Camp Pendleton, California. Wounded Willy & Damaged Debbie were designed and constructed by RSD.

These phantoms yield radiographs resembling those of a human body with human technical factors and limited artifacts, articulated to enable basic views to be presented, and with an appropriate level of human anatomy. They are well-balanced patient substitutes for basic training of radiologic technologists, particularly in military or emergency room environments.

Both Willy & Debbie demonstrate and evaluate positioning and imaging techniques, including kVp, mAs, contrast, optical density, OFD and TFD. Their radiographs are optically equivalent to humans in density and contrast.

Product Differences

Aside from gender differences, the most obvious difference between Willy & Debbie is in the complement of traumas and pathologies assigned to each. Debbie is fitted with a wig, while Willy is bald. They are dressed in camos for military training and in jumpsuits for civilian training.

Realism of Traumas and Pathologies

“There is no single, unique description of any of their traumas and pathologies. Rather, there are limitless variations among a broad range of casualties. The most meaningful judgments of the realism of trauma and pathologies are those based on long radiographic experience across the spectrum of casualties.”
Patrick Hale, Senior Radiologic Technologist at the UCLA Emergency Room and an RSD consultant, made those judgments with respect to Willy and Debbie.


At 5’ 1” (156 cm) tall, weighing 105 lbs (48 kg), Willy & Debbie match the size and weight of RSD’s Take-Apart Pixy. Technologists must learn to work with patients of all sizes and weights, so a smaller adult-size phantom is as valid for training as a larger phantom, and position is facilitated.


Lungs are molded of durable materials with radiodensities matched to humans in a median respiratory state. Animal lungs matching the human in size and blood vessels are available, but they are oriented towards research rather than training.

Soft Tissues

Willy & Debbie have solid “soft tissues” that are hard and rigid. They cannot be palpated to locate traumas. However, radiological technologists are generally informed by the physician as to the views to be taken. The manual provides this information to instructors.


RSD-manufactured skeletons are used rather than natural human skeletons. The latter are generally unavailable and usually consist of an assortment of bones ranging from children to adults of ages, for which osteoporosis becomes a factor.

RSD skeletons are not to be confused with plastic skeletons for teaching anatomy. RSD skeletons are made to fit the soft-tissue molds precisely. They have spongiosa moldings within marrow cavities and outer, cortical bone. Both constituents meet the internationally accepted standards for radiodensity and specific gravity.


While anatomic fidelity and the ability to move the head into a broad range of views is required in radiography, no mechanism can be designed for intervertebral motion without artifacts obliterating the radiographs. This problem has been solved by the use of two necks. One is a multi-articulated polycarbonate assembly which provides for nearly all commonly used views. There is no attempt at radiographic realism in this neck. An alternate, fully realistic neck is interchangeable with the mechanical neck. The cervical spine of this neck contains traumas.

Model Numbers


RS600TAOpaqueWounded Willy & Damaged Debbie
RS-600TTATransparentWounded Willy & Damaged Debbie
RS-601TAOpaqueWounded Willy
RS-601TTATransparentWounded Willy
RS-602TAOpaqueDamaged Debbie
RS-602TTATransparentDamaged Debbie

See below for available pathologies and traumas.


  • Field trauma & ER evaluation of technologist performance
  • Teaching & training of patient positioning
  • Image quality
  • Diagnostic radiology
  • Dosimetry verification
  • Protocol verification


  • CT
  • X-Ray
  • Fluoroscopy


  • Shoulders have ball and socket joints
  • Elbows and knees flex 90° to 100°
  • Broad range of positioning capabilities, including the “frog position”
  • Debbie features fractures of the left shoulder and left hip plus arm and leg traumas on the right side
  • Willy features traumas of both arms and legs

Clinical Images

Pathologies & Traumas (-01 to -59)

NoWilly or DebbieDescriptionSideExternal Markings
-01WillyMetallic fragment in orbitRNone
-02WillyMultiple fragments lower faceN/ANone
-03WillyStep deformity of intraorbital rimLBruise
-04WillySeparated fracture of frontal zygomatic sutureLSwelling
-05WillyMetallic foreign body over skullN/ANone
-06WillyMandible fracture with missing boneN/AOpen Wound
-07DebbieDepressed comminuted fracture of zygomatic archLSwelling
-08DebbieMandibular fracturesRSwelling, Bruise
-09DebbieCloudy maxillary sinusLNone
-10DebbieFracture of nasal bones with mild displacementN/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-11WillyDisplacement fracture of mandibular condyleLSwelling
-12WillyDisplacement fracture of mandibular condyleRSwelling
-13Willy or DebbieC4, C5 Compression fractureN/ANone
-14Willy or DebbieC7 Fractured by bulletN/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-15Willy or DebbieC-spine bullet anterior to trachea shadowN/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-16WillyFracture of lateral ribs 6 & 7RNone
-17WillyMediolateral fracture of ribs 8 & 9LNone
-18WillyMultiple rib fractures, four metallic fragments visibleRNone
-19Willy12th rib fractureRNone
-20WillyBullet in hemothorax overlaying 8th ribLBullet or Foreign Body Hole
-21WillyBullet in hemothorax overlaying 8th ribN/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-22Willy2 cm metallic fragment in mid chestRBullet or Foreign Body Hole
-23WillyBullet visible below costal margin under 11th ribLBullet or Foreign Body Hole
-24Willy2 bullets in LUQLBullet or Foreign Body Hole
-25WillyShattered distal scapulaeLBullet or Foreign Body Hole
-26WillyShattered distal scapulaeRBullet or Foreign Body Hole
-27DebbieWidened mediastinum and pleural effusionN/ANone
-28DebbieChest tube, lung inflatedLTube
-30DebbieBullet in mid-abdomenN/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-31WillyUnstable fracture of L1N/ANone
-32WillyCompression fracture of L5N/ANone
-33DebbieMetallic foreign body lateral to PSOASRNone
-34DebbieCompression fracture of L4N/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-35DebbieMetallic fragments – 2 mid-abdomen, 1 each in RLQ and LLQN/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-36DebbieBullet in mid-abdomenN/ABullet or Foreign Body Hole
-37DebbieMetallic fragments – 2 mid-abdomen
1 each: RLQ and LLQ
-38WillyILIAC crest comminuted fracture with metallic fragmentsRBruise
-39DebbieDisplaced fracture of pubic ramusLNone
-40DebbieSacroiliac disruption, acetabular fractureLNone
-41DebbieForeign body lateral to PSOASRNone
-42WillyNon-displaced pubic ramus fractureN/ANone
-43WillySuperior and inferior pubic ramus fractureRNone
-44WillyPelvis fracture with symphysis diastasis and sacroiliac joint disruptionN/ANone
-45WillyBullet in sacrumN/ANone
-46WillyShattered acetabulumLLatex "shorts"
-47WillyShattered femoral headLLatex "shorts"
-48WillyComminuted midshaft fractureLSwelling
-49WillyLeft femur comminuted fracture 12 cm above kneeLSwelling
-50DebbieProximal tibia fractureLSwelling
-51WillyComminuted fracture of tibia and fibulaRSwelling
-52WillyDisplaced ankle fractureRSwelling
-53DebbieMinimally displaced distal tibia fractureRSwelling
-54DebbieDisplaced fracture of calcaneus boneRNone
-55WillyDisplaced fracture of radius and ulnaL
-56DebbieVolar angulated distal radius and ulna fractureR
-57WillyAngulated comminuted fracture of midshaft radius and ulnaR
-58DebbieMinimally displaced distal radius fracture not involving wrist, offset bone endsN/A
-59Debbie3rd and 4th metacarpals shatteredLThickened, back of hand

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