The Treatment Brassiere

The Treatment Brassiere dependably delivers a more uniform dose every time. It reshapes the ipsilateral breast more favorably for radiation treatments and repositions the contralateral breast away from the beams. A full brassiere library of 40 cups is available in a portable caddy for convenient, organized fitting of nearly all patients.

Model Numbers

Model NumberProduct DescriptionChest BreadthSpecify Breast Volume
BR-100-TBCBasic Brassiere Library with Caddy, 40 different cupsAllAll
BR-100Basic Brassiere Library without Caddy, 40 different cupsAllAll
BR-100SSmall Group27-32 cm200
BR-100MMedium Group32-36 cm250
BR-100LLarge Group36-42 cm500
BR-100XLExtra Large GroupOver 42 cm1,000

Cup Selection


Cups are divided into four groups corresponding to small thoraxes (chest breadths from 27 to 32 cm), medium thoraxes (32 to 36 cm), large thoraxes (36 to 42 cm), and extra-large thoraxes (over 42 cm).

Cup selection begins by measuring a patient’s chest breadth when supine and wearing her clothing brassiere. This indicates the group containing the right cup for her. The cups of the group (five each for left or right) are removed from the Treatment Brassiere Caddy and the cup making the best fit is selected. (Clothing Brassiere sizes cannot be used for cup selection because of poor correlation between clothing brassiere sizes and breast volumes.)

Clothing Cup Size*Observed Volume
A94 - 225 ml
B146 - 458 ml
C267 - 835 ml
D499 – 1,120 ml
DD988 – 1,427+ ml
DDD2,765 – 3,176 ml

These data are based on 75 models. Some cup volumes shown are altered from other cups as required for continuous gradation.

*As reported by models.


  • Simplified application of IMRT to breast treatments
  • Accurately repeats both shape and position, treatment after treatment
  • Reduces dose to the lungs, heart and ribs


  • Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

Data on increased skin dose due to the ipsilateral cup were submitted to the FDA. These data provided a comparison of skin dose increased by the Treatment Brassiere with the increase found for various thermoplastic positioning devices on the market. The skin dose due to the cup material (0.50 mm thick for small cups to about 0.63 mm thick for very large cups) was found to be substantially less than for other positioning devices. The FDA has issued a 510 (k) Marketing Clearance for the Treatment Brassiere.

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