Voxelization of Alderson-Rando

“This study presents the methodology used for the creation of a phantom of voxels from tomographic images of Alderson-Rando (AR) physical phantom and the development of a computational model of exposure formed by phantoms resulting from “voxelization” of AR connected to Monte Carlo EGS4 code, added by algorithms to simulate radioactive sources in internal dose measuring.”

Santos AM, Vieira JW. ‘Voxelization’ of Alderson-Rando phantom for use in numerical dose measuring. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2009 Nov 15;55(3):7-12. PMID: 20003805.

RSD In Action

Industry Innovations

July 2024: Multimodality Phantoms Coming Soon

Over the last two years, RSD has been working to expand our product line to include anthropomorphic phantoms designed for use across various imaging modalities such as CT, MRI, and X-ray.

May 2024: Imaging Reimagined

When you need the best anthropomorphic phantoms for medical imaging, the answer is black and white: Radiology Support Devices!

April 2024: Radiation Therapy

RSD’s Radiation Therapy phantoms provide integrated tests of the entire chain of treatment planning and delivery.

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